Types of Grant Programs Funded Grant Proposals

Non-profit organizations are known for having fund raisers and writing winning grant proposals to get funding each year. Have you wondered which programs are considered for these types of grants?
Lets discuss the types of grant programs and what funded grant proposals have in common. The most popular grants are in education because they provide assistance with tuition with the pell grant or financial aid.
The other popular one is the grant for small businesses that help with start-up costs for supplies and licenses.
Then there are the personal grants that can be used to do home repairs or get help with your utility bills. These are not the ones we will be talking about today.
Instead the discussion will be around the different types of grants, fellowships and awards found in science and medical projects.
Some of the most frequently used programs consist of research program project grants, exploratory grants, center core grants, and specialized grants.
The first one is in support of integrated, multi-project research projects involving a number of independent investigators who share knowledge and common resources.
Apparently with each project that is related to the total research effort, the system for the research activities is directed towards a specific program goal.
This is seen in cases such as:
  • Clinical trial planning
  • research enhancement
  • developmental research
Lately in this situation it is many times used to support planning activities associated with large multi-project program project grants, in my opinion it is to support shared resources and facilities for categorical research by a number of investigators from different disciplines.
When the core grant is integrated into the systems component project the joint research effort that is involved with the same disciplines or focus on a common research problems can be independently funded.
A great example would be: 
  • Stem cell information
  • career awards for scientist and engineers
  • medical research funding
  In the case of the types of research and development from ancillary supportive activities seen in patient care, you are probably aware of the focus being determined on a specific disease entity or biomedical problem area.
 Funding organizations will receive continuous attention to these centers that may serve as regional or national resources for special research purposes.
 In these primary areas:
  • neuroscience research
  • biomedical information science
You can do more research on these types of funded proposals at the NSF National Science Foundation for Extramural Grants and Intramural Research.
The interesting thing about  research grants, special research grants, subvention grants and undergraduate research fellowships is that they are not advertised as widely across the internet.
You have to go to the specific foundations website and check for the "call for proposals" section. Then you will be given a deadline to submit your grant proposal.
Critera for evaluating grant proposals will vary so it is important to stay up to date on the changes before you submit your research grant application.
Understanding who gets the money is just as important as knowing where the money is coming from as in the case of clinical, translational, and interdisciplinary research proposals.
Reference: nih.gov - National Institutes of Health