How to Get a Job at a Career Fair

The great thing about attending job fairs is that you have a greater chance of getting hired. Companies that put on these events are matching jobseekers with employers all at the same time.
If you have been unsuccessful finding work on the internet, try going to a event where you can talk to the human resources department personnel directly.
Every major city will put on a career fair with multiple brand companies who are ready to fill vacant positions.
Just remember that these local events are usually packed with prospects and other job candidates.
Top Ways to Get Hired at a Employment Convention
Some job fairs are free to attend while others charge a entry fee. The free ones attract a larger crowd and usually require paid parking lots. Be ready to pay for parking and to walk a distance to the building hosting the convention.
1. Dress to impress - First impressions are still important, make sure you wear professional attire. Even if you are just applying for a janitorial cleaning position.
  • Men - should wear a nice dress shirt, and professional looking pants. Although men like to wear t-shirts you really should try and find a button down shirt instead. Also avoid wearing denium jeans of any kind because they give the wrong impression and if you like to wear sneakers leave them in your car.
  • Women - should wear appropriate dresses and slacks, avoiding mini skirts and wearing blouses too tight. Makeup and hair should be conservative at best, once you get the job you can usually get away with being more dramatic in your appearance.
You want to show that you are serious about getting a job with the company. So leave the sneakers, jeans, flip flops, shorts and tank tops at home.
2. Smile - One of the best things you can do when you approach a job booth is to smile, potential employers want to see a friendly face. Believe me this one tip will make  you stand out from the pack. Be memorable and give the right positive vibe when going by each career table.
3. Bring a pen and pencil - It is also a good idea to have writing instruments with you in your briefcase or handbag. Most of the time you will be asked to fill out your contact information and although most events will have pens to write with, just in case they run out its a good idea to have your own pen along with a pencil with a working eraser.
4. Bring a organizer or planner - As you may already know attendees of career expos usually bring several copies of their resumes with them. It is best to have a carrying case to hold all your papers. Neatness is one good characteristic to have and employers appreciate job candidates who have a folder to keep all their documents in place.
5. Take care of Hygiene - Although this may seem pretty obvious it still needs to be mentioned. Even if you took a shower before you left the house, make sure that you have plenty of antiperspirant, or roll on deodorant with you.  Not all facilities will be well ventilated and it could get warm inside the building causing you to get sweaty. Not to mention perspiring due to nervousness. Once you arrive go into the bathroom and freshen up a bit, so that you will smell fresh while talking with the various company representatives.
6. Prepare Some Questions to Ask the Recruiter - A great habit to get into while attending these type of career conferences is to find out as much as you can about the position and the company. Most of the representatives sitting at the job booths have experience and knowledge, plus many times they know what the mangers are looking for. Show some interest and don't be afraid to make inquires.
7. Avoid Chewing Bubble Gum - Proper etiquette suggests that chewing gum at a job seminar is just not professional. If you need to freshen your breath, use a minty candy instead, because it will dissolve in your mouth. Plus chopping on gum while talking to a company or business just looks really bad and is distracting. The impression you leave on the recruiter should be a pleasant one.
8. Ask for Contact Information - While at the event you will come across several booths, tables, and workstations that by the time your done it is easy to forget which business card or which flyer went with which company. Write down the phone number, address and contact person for each potential company you want to follow up with. Believe me you will not remember once you leave and go home.
9. Wear Comfortable Shoes - This is critical that you wear shoes that will help you while walking around the arena. Depending on the location and how big the job fair square footage is, you will want to be wise in the choice of your footwear. Women should avoid wearing high stilettos and instead should wear a conservative low heeled shoe to the event and men should wear dress casual shoes but ones that are made for walking.
10. Eat Before You Go - Last but not least make sure you grab a bite to eat before you go to a job convention. It is not usually part of the event to provide food and drink, this is something you will have to do yourself. To be safe eat a good breakfast or brunch so that you can concentrate and be happy instead of being grumpy because your hungry.
Looking for a new job is stressful and can be a challenge, do your best to make the process a success by being prepared. Plan out your week and decide which career fairs you will be attending and then make your rounds. Take notes, follow up and stay positive. All your hard-work will pay off and get you hired.