Best U.S. Engineering Schools Ranking

You can get the engineering career you want. First you will need to find an accredited school. Then learn about salary, job description and industry outlook.
The most popular degrees in the market today from high school graduates are: Civil engineering, Aerospace, Electrical, Mechanical and Computer engineering.
If you are wanting a secure job that will be around for years from now then it is best to pick a industry that is seeing growth. Construction management as well as manufacturing plants will continue to have a need for qualified and trained professionals.
Your top priority should be getting into an engineering school, getting your engineering license, and choosing an engineering college.
The best colleges are ranked each year and some of the top programs provide the best education for your career.
You will be interested to know that the most popular engineering majors are:
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
Those who are good at problem solving of a technical  nature will do really well in these types of occupations. The plus side is that the employment salary range is high with just a bachelors or masters degree.
What about online degrees? which ones are the most popular for students?
Well the top 4 industries that are of interest for those looking to obtain an academic diploma is with: Business, Healthcare, Education and Engineering.
Top Ranking Colleges for Engineers
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge MA
2. Stanford University - Stanford CA
3. University of California  Berkley, Berkley CA
4. Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta GA
5. University of Illinois - Urbana IL
6. Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsberg PA
7. California Institute of Technology - Pasadena CA
8. University of Texas - Austin TX
9. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor MI
10. Purdue University - West Lafayette IN
11. University of Southern California - Los Angeles CA
12. University of California  San Diego - La Jolla CA
13. Columbia University - New York NY
14. University of Wisconsin - Madison WI
15. Harvard University - Cambridge MA
16. Princeton University - Princeton NJ
17. Northwestern University - Evanston IL
18. Texas A&M University - College Station TX
19. University of California - Santa Barbara CA
20. University of Maryland - College Park MD  
The Best Paying Jobs and Highest Paying Degrees
Many of these professions are being persued by those who want an advanced degree such as a online Masters or PhD degree. In major industries professional certificates make it easier to get started in the field you want right away.
Nuclear Engineers - design and create equipment for nuclear power plants, which can include disposal of nuclear waste.
Petroleum Engineers -  discover, drill for crude oil and process hydrocarbons, while analyzing underground reserves.
Aerospace Engineers - test and design space vehicles for aviation and exploration, as well as helicopters and military aircraft.
Computer Software Engineers - development of software applications for system networks, keeping up with technology development.
Chemical Engineers - uses mathematics, physics and chemistry to solve technical problems in biomedical and nanotechnology fields.
Electrical Engineers -  develops applications and products used in electronic devices and equipment for the government and military.